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Missing Relative English Grammar Final Year | Ba Exam Paper 2023

 Add the missing relative in the following sentences . Add a contact - clause where possible : 

Relative Pronoun Defination : 

Who, Whom, Which, That, Whose, What

(Living noun)
Who ( जो) - Subjective case के लिए 
Whom (जिसे, जिसको) - Objective Case के लिए

(Non-living noun)

Whose - Possessive case के लिए
आपको पीडीएफ नीचे मिल जाएगा

Missing Relative Pronoun Trick : Video

(i) I know a man ......... eats raw vegetables .

 Ans . who 

(ii) It is a kind of pepper ........ you cannot eat .

  Ans . which

(iii) His wife is a women.....Loves a joke.

Ans. Who

(iv) You cannot write on the paper .......this factory makes.

Ans. Which/that 

(v) Has this book content.........Please you.

Ans. Which

(vi) I am looking for somebody ......I can trust.

Ans. Whom

(Vii) I want to find a man ..... can show me the way to the zoo.

Ans. Who

(Viii) The man..... You want has just left.

Ans. Whom

(ix) The girl....was here yesterday has gone to Houston for higher studies,

Ans. Who

(x) The lent me is not very interesting.

Ans. that

(xi) The chair.....was broken is now mended.

Ans. Which

(xii) The old man lived....Next door has been untraceable for a long time.

And. Who

(Xiii) Women..... Work in hospitals are to be admired for their courage.

Ans. Who

(xiv) The girl.....lives opposite my house is very handsome.

Ans. Who

(xv) The fish....I ate yesterday was not very good. I have got my stomach upset.

Ans. Which

(xvi) The barber......cut your hair has done his job very badly.

Ans. Who

(xvii) The dress were wearing yesterday was very pretty indeed.

Ans. That

(xviii) The letter.....Vikas received yesterday had not been stamped properly.

Ans. That

(xix) Was the were wearing yesterday your own?

Ans. That

(xx) The sitting next to me is not very sharp.

Ans. Who

(xxi) The doctor.....She visited yesterday is well known all over the state.

Ans. Whom

(xxii) The person sitting next to me is not very sharp.

Ans. Who

(xxiii) The princess.....had been married for ten years has just had her first baby.

Ans. Who

(xxiv) The author of this book.....had been to Houston, has just returned.

Ans. Who

(xxv) on the Ganga, is a beautiful city.

Ans. That/which

(xxvi) The sent me is not very honest.

Ans. Whom

(xxvii) This is the boy......father is a teacher.

Ans. Whose

(xxxix)......shorts are hanging from the flag pole?

Ans. Whose

(xxx) The soldiers......Work at the border should be saluted.

Ans. Who


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